among other things, I did what anyone would do when they do research, I went to Google and I brought in TONS of color swatches!!!
Color - color is a definite inducement in some of our actions and feelings. Do you know how many paint color variations there are? Let me tell you, TONS AND TONS!!! The choice is overwhelming, so studying color and its effect, at least helps narrow down the choices.
So what was I wanting from color - shopping. We are a store and we don't want to pick a relaxing color that would make people fall asleep as soon as they step through our doors - we are not a spa.
I wanted a color that would invigorate and be happy. And of course, make you want to shop!
Luckily, the color spectrum I was looking to express in our new store happens to be my favorite! GREEN!
These are the winners! The yellow shade will be in the craft area - bright and fun to encourage creativity! The green soothing and fresh, but not something that would put our customers asleep.
So between the base colors, we fill also feature chalkboard, dry erase and magnetic paint! Can't wait to show you the final picture!
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